Ritz Carlton, Bali Resort & Spa
The place is beautiful
It was wrong of him to tell you he loves you, when he still loves his ex. Love doesn't work like that.
Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and bonding relationships. Touch changes our physical and emotional states and makes us more receptive to love.
You trust each other that you won't run off if things get bad - you know you're in it for the long haul.
You've seen each other at your best, and you've seen each other on those rumpled mornings when you feel completely awful. Yes, you know you're both not perfect. But what you are, you accept with love and affection. Your relationship isn't about rushing to look fancy all the time - you like each other just the way you are normally. If you start to get grumpy about something, one of you will back off and talk about it later. You grow to learn when one of you is upset about a topic and to work around it. If you've reached this stage - this is what real love is all about.
Although things may start out wonderfully in the beginning, there is always the fear that it won't last, that difficulties will arise, feelings will start to change. Then when things alter, as they naturally must, many have the mistaken idea that the love is disappearing.
When we initially fall in love, we feel we have found the perfect person? A tremendous excitement takes over. We project many wonderful qualities upon our partner and block out any faults. Then we feel that we, too, must be so wonderful to have a partner who is so ideal.
This is a huge demand to make upon another person, but it happens anyway. When this demand is not fulfilled, a deep disappointment can arise. It seems as though the partner has failed us, but in truth it is the unrealistic demands we have made that is causing pain.
No one has to change for you to love them. Nor do you have to change to be worthy of love. You can never change enough to please another person. The work of love is to be able to love the other just as they are, and to also love yourself.
The work of love is the work of learning to accept the other person, and also to accept yourself. Love is not a feeling that stays the same all the time. Love is a verb. It grows as we face change and difficulty.
Every idea begins with a spark of inspiration. That spark is always created by the friction of a desire rubbing up against a barrier. We come equipped with a load of desires. When our desires are easily satisfied, they burn themselves out. There's no longer a need for passion. So we move up our hierarchy of needs to until we find another barrier. That's just the way we are. Pretty soon, we're headed for the moon.
We can sit for hours, fascinated with the warmth, glow, and dance of a fire. Just as we can satisfy ourselves reading biographies of great explorers, inventors, and conquerors. Or watching the exploits of passionate people on TV and in the movies. Or following them in the news.
These pictures of great lives and harrowing adventures stoke the fires of our passions. Some of us take our passions one step further. Like the greats, we make a promise. We commit to following our passion where it leads. Once we make our picture public, we are seldom alone. Our creative fire attracts the creative fire of other people focused on the same or a similar picture.
How can you keep your creative fire hot without getting burned? If you're too worried about that, you've probably not going to make much creative fire.
The New York PR agency, Porter Novelli, conducted a survey of 100 executives from America's top companies, They asked, "Which is more important, intelligence or creativity?" 59% cast their lot with creativity. 28% went with intelligence.
That's the good news. They also asked, "Do American schools do enough to foster creativity?"76% said no. Only 14% said yes. It's still good news for executives, though. According to the survey, tight budgets do little to limit creativity. And deadlines actually help. But consider whom they asked.
The most creative companies they could think of were Apple, 3M, McDonalds, and Disney. The most creative people they named were Ross Perot, Steven Jobs, and Thomas Edison. In that order, the most encouraging news is the belief among 88% of America’s most stellar executives that their"most creative days are ahead..." Nearly half said they were more creative than their bosses. And 43% said that they themselves have been accused of being "too creative." Way to go!
Finally, if you're looking for the best time to present your big idea to the boss, you gotta get 'em as early yin the morning as possible. That's when 46% say they are most creative. It drops dramatically throughout the rest of the day with a little positive blip in the evening.
Don't ever admit you're working for lousy boss. Because it's been shown that lousy bosses hire incompetent people. Any you don't want to identify yourself with this phenomenon.
To keep good people in their place, bad boss belittles and intimidates. He keeps tight reigns on information, discourages new ideas, and allows nothing to happen without their approval. Bad boss is critical, indecisive, inconsistent, and demanding. He never listens, rarely show approval, and have no sense of humor.
He makes as much noise as he does salary. And we could get along with a lot less of both. You spend valuable time planning when to approach him, because you want to hit him when his mood swings your way. He is never around, and when he is, his door is locked. You have to do everything his way. He cares about no one but himself. Today he's pondering how to pose for his corporate portrait. He ignores or humiliates anyone who threatens to mar his image. And if he's listening, he has no idea who I'm talking about.
Why do we tolerate? The corporate drive for profit accommodates anything that works, including tyrants. And the only thing that will improve conditions, is your insistence on standards of common decency.
The good news is, there are better bosses out there, and they listen. They realize that money-making ideas can come from anyone. But to listen, bosses have to trust. A boss who doesn’t trust is probably in over his head.
A good wife always knows her place. Yep -- in the house and in the senate, too!
Hope this inspired a few smiles, and a few more kind actions towards our partners.
When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. To love someone is to communicate with them. Let the people you love know that you love them and appreciate them. Never be afraid to say those three magic words: “I Love You.” Never let an opportunity pass to praise someone. Always leave someone you love with a loving word – it could be the last time you see them. If you were about to die but could make telephone calls to the people you loved, who would you call, what would you say and... why are you waiting?
Romance and passion are about taking in information and energy, as opposed to broadcasting them. So it is not about being sexy or being attractive, it is about being interested in your partner and being receptive and knowing them, and taking in something deep and fundamental about them. It is a moment-to-moment decision to be interested, to be complimentary. People good at relationships have this habit of looking for things to appreciate.
My blue skies fade to grey. I'm faking a smile with the coffee to go.
I've had a god damn bad fing day at work, one of those lousy days where everything seems to go wrong. We've all experienced a bad day at work. But when this happens, how do you turn your day around and make it pleasant instead of ruining it? Being optimistic and knowing that there's a light at the end of the tunnel is the driving force to overcoming negative barriers. Being able to pull away from the situation and look at it with perspective will often clear things up and permit you to see through the muck. I followed these tips but seems that it couldn't work this time.
I've been feeling down lately at work. I've stayed for 3 years trying to make it work, but I can't anymore. My heart wants to stay, but my soul needs to go. So where is the passion when I need it the most. Sounds pretty awful. I hope tomorrow is better.
Intimacy is a way of relating rather than a feeling. Being intimate with a person means we are truly ourselves with them, without any kind of barrier or facade. This is only possible if we are fully comfortable with the other person, ideally to the point where we feel as though we are only with ourselves. This takes time, more exactly, it requires a long and mutual process of self-disclosure. Ultimately, intimacy means being entirely known by the other person, i.e. not consciously holding anything back. Montague Ullman explains the importance of this, "The freedom to let oneself be known is also the freedom to be oneself."
Would you purposefully choose to get involved in a relationship if you knew you wouldn't see your partner very often? I think it depends on the people involved at a particular point in time. If you like someone enough, you'll be willing to put up with things that you might not have in previous relationships. But even for the strongest couples, this type of situation can cause a strain.
And it's true – they are hard, one must have a high degree of trust, and the seemingly endless carting around of your belongings from one place to another.
It doesn't hurt when you're crazy punch-drunk mad about each other, count down the days until you're together again. While the time apart kills you, it makes the time both of you do spend together spectacular. But sometimes people around you seem to have more of a problem with your boyfriend's schedule than you do. They always ask you if you are sad and if you miss him and they look at you with pity.
On the bright side, one of the major benefits of ...is the fact that it forces you to learn how to verbally communicate with each other. Many relationships are based on fun, on joint activities, on social events. Couples aren't forced to tackle issues until they are cohabitating or married.
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